Eastern Half

Menologion: October 1-8

St. Ananias the Apostle (October 1); St. Romanus the Melodist (poet) (October 1); St. Theophilus (October 2); St. Cyprianus, Justina and Theoctistus (October 2); St. Dionysius the Areopagite (October 3); St. John the Chozebites (October 3); St. Peter Capetol (October 4); Unidentified saint (October 3 or 4) DA NIJE JEROTEJ EP. ATINSKI???, St. martyr Charitine (October 5); St. martyr Mamelchta (October 5); St. Nicetas the patrician of Constantinople (October 5 or 6), St. Thomas the Apostle (October 6); St. martyrs Sergius and Bacchus (October 7); St. Pelagia (October 8)

  • Eastern Nave, 3rd Bay, Vault, Eastern Half

  • Copyright: BLAGO Fund, Inc.